Thursday, 8 December 2016

Compile Evidence and Inform people

#shaneenmiller says Make sure you #inform #people you #work or have #worked with that you have a #harasser, a person is #stalking your #character to make #defamatory #claims against you.

A person who will make up #elaborate #lies and scheme #desperate ways to #harass and #bully you through every #legal entity's they can find.

#shaneenmiller says Let #employers, #past business associates, #friends and #family know you have in fact what is a #Character #stalker.

They can all #help you compile #ongoing #evidence against this #person so that you put them either in #jail or at the very least get a #restraining order backed by #statements from those #approached by them.

#shaneenmiller says, Years of quiet aided #evidence will make your case strong
Make sure it is #backed with the #effects it may have had on your #health, #newrelationships #employment or lack of and or any new #businesses or #business thereafter 

#shaneenmiller says, Ex #business #partners or #begrudged #colleagues who may or may not have been wronged or feel an entitlement from past dissolved relationships, are normally the common #aggressors in cases such as these. Next being ex husbands  or wives.

#Business disagreements, business #miscommunication or #unsuccessful business #relationships do not warrant #harassment, especially when the issues were #addressed, #concluded and #closed #legally

If years have pasted 6, 8, 9, 10plus years and such ones feel it is still there job to be #harassing, #stalking, #bullying and generally trying to make life #difficult for you or people you may have come into association with, they are #seriously ill or #criminally #insane. This is a #ongoing criminal #harassment claim. This can also lead to #imprisonment a #criminal record or the #suing this person(s)  

Read #shaneenmillers book. #sourbusinessgrapes #memoirsofherharassment 

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Make A Diary of your Harassment and Statements from those approached to Defame you!

It is very important that you keep a detailed log of Harassment related to Defamation of Character. #Shaneen #Miller is an advise couch on this matter with an extensive knowledge of those who can help you in legal matters regarding these issues. With a case in rotation herself and a book published "SourBusinessGrapes"

Her speciality is proving that *said actions taken by ex businesses partners or employers
*slander *defamation *harassment *stalking  is logged correctly and results in criminal imprisonment for those involved.

"Let them prove themselves a criminal" is her favourite quote!

The more information and statements of proof logged the better the Legal termination of those involved in the actions

In most cases involving #malicious communications however there will be #more than one offensive or threatening letter or telephone call and therefore the #police will often choose to #charge the #offender with an offence contrary to section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Part of the reason for using this charge is that when someone is convicted of an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act the court can make a Restraining Order preventing them from contacting their victim again. Breach of a Restraining Order is punishable with up to Five years imprisonment. A Restraining Order cannot be imposed for a conviction under the Postal Services or Communications Act offences.

Six months Imprisonment for Defamation of Character

A common and particularly unpleasant form of harassment is that involving #malicious communications either through the post, the telephone, Fax, by #cyberstalking through the internet or, an increasing problem, by the use of #Text or #SMS messages sent to #mobile phones.

Under section 1 of the Malicious Communications Act 1998 it is an offence to send an indecent, offensive or threatening letter, electronic communication or other article to another person and sections 85 Postal Services Act 2000 or s127 Communications Act 2003 there are similar specific offences relating to sending #postal or #telephone messages which are indecent offensive or #threatening. Both offences are #punishable with up to #
six months imprisonment and/or a fine. Because the Malicious Communications Offence is more wide ranging than the Telecommunications offence it is more likely to be charged by the #Police than the Postal Services or Communications Act offences.

In most cases involving #malicious communications however there will be #more than one offensive or threatening letter or telephone call and therefore the #police will often choose to #charge the #offender with an offence contrary to section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Part of the reason for using this charge is that when someone is convicted of an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act the court can make a Restraining Order preventing them from contacting their victim again. Breach of a Restraining Order is punishable with up to Five years imprisonment. A Restraining Order cannot be imposed for a conviction under the 
Postal Services or Communications Act offences.

If the messages e-mails, phone calls etc cause the victim to fear that violence will be used agaisnt them then the police can choose to charge the offender with an offence contrary to  section 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 which is punishable with up to Five years imprisonment and also allows the court to make a Restraining Order.

If the offensive or threatening letter, electronic communication or other article is racialist in nature or motivated by religious hostility then charges could be brought contrary to sections 32(1)(a) or 32(1)(b) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 . In serious cases offenders could face up to 7 years imprisonment.

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The fact that an offensive telephone call, letter e-mail etc may be received in the course of work and have been sent by a work colleague or manager does not justify the message or prevent it being an offence. Offensive messages sent within the workplace can still constitute criminal offences. In addition they may justify a claim for constructive dismissal and compensation under employment law .

The Law and Legal Help with #Defamation of Character

so what recourse is there for those who have been #falsely accused of committing #criminal offences?  Well, #defamation is still an #option if the #allegations have been made to a third party not involved in the criminal proceedings.  However, often the allegation will have only been made to the police.  In some cases there may be scope for a claim for malicious prosecution.  such claims are normally made against the Crown Prosecution service or the police, but they have succeeded against complainants in circumstances where it has been held that the complainant has procured the prosecution by deliberately manipulating the police/prosecuting authorities into taking a course of action they would otherwise not have taken. In addition to establishing that the defendant had procured the prosecution by effectively initiating it, the claimant will need to show that there was an acquittal, the prosecution caused damage, the defendant acted without reasonable and probable cause and that the defendant acted maliciously

Sue for Defamation of Character

When Harrassment Becomes Criminal

For a number of years compiling evidence on #harassment has been a full time job of mine and helping ones #sue or #imprison their #harrassers has been brilliant. I provide #free #advice for those who want to #sue. Make sure you get everyone who has witness the #slander #harassment #Defamation of #Character to write #written statements. The longer and more extensive your #aggressors become the more #evedience you have of their actions compiled

#shaneenmiller Shaneen Miller #shaneen #miller